Thursday, May 14, 2015
My husband Scotty met Jon an Cleo 5 days after they moved to Dolan, we were neighbors. We called him uncle Jon, he was to us very much our family even tho we were not blood related. Cleo lost her son Scotty an to them my Scotty filled that void an became a son to them. There was nothing we or they would not do for each other. Even jons best friend larry was uncle Larry to us an we all were family an filled each others voids. I can recall endless stories he has told us of his life. Jon , Scotty an sometimes Rex hunted an filshed every year. They drank their beer an wrote songs an played the guitar on a daily basis. One song Smoke on the Mountain, they wrote together Jon was determined to get it published, but after Cleo an Larry an then his dad passed he seemed to have lost his will to go on. Towards the last years he was with us all he wanted was to go back to Montana an mine his gold. He often would tell us to go with him so we could mine at his claim there so we could make a million dollars in one year an never have to worry about anything in life again. He always could make us laugh. He was a very selfless an giving man an many took advantage of his generousity especially at the end of his life. Because of certain people that surrounded him we have not been able to morn him properly an have been denied access tohis brother Cary or his sis to let them know just how much he meant to us an how deeply he will be missed. We love you uncle Jon an hope you are mining, fishing, hunting an playing music with Cleo, uncle Larry an ur dad in heaven. You will always be in our hearts.
Love, Scotty an Sandi