Thursday, August 20, 2020
Dear Tom & family,
Our hearts go out to all of you! We are so sorry for your loss! Our family was reminiscing about all the wonderful memories we have shared with your family when our children were growing up here in Havasu and participating in sports and school activities! Maggie always had the best smile and sense of humor:) And then there were all the get togethers and parties with McCulloch Realty!! Time flies by, but those great times and memories are always there! We will never forget them and we will never forget Maggie! Please let Dagin and Tara & Chris and their families know how very sorry we are! I know Maggie loved being a Grandma! Maggie will always be warmly remembered by all of us!
With deepest sympathy,
JoAnne & Mike Kupfer, Kari & Karl Thompson, Kim & Jake Gregory