Saturday, December 26, 2015
I wrote my cousin Nathan Monke for Christmas and he sent me a card mentioning the passing of my Uncle Dick. I had no idea, none what so ever. A year and a month after his passing I call his sister-in-law, my Mother, and let her in on the news, she didn't know. Neither did any of my siblings. Here I have a man who moved himself away from us and than didn't even bother making sure that his oldest brothers family knew he had died. I mean this is the man who use to wrestle me and tickle me. The guy who would eat half of all our thanksgiving dinners and never gain a ounce. The guy who we use to go fishing with on Flaming Gorge, once almost going to the bottom in his boat. Collecting cow chips so we could stay warm waiting out the storm. Our deer hunts in Clay Basin and the time he and I went up here in the mountains east of Ogden Utah. Richard C Baker was my favorite Uncle and I didn't even know he died.